Announcing: Progrmd Capital

Today, I am thrilled to announce the launch of Progrmd Capital, an investment firm which invests exclusively in liquid crypto assets.

Crypto has been around for 14 years yet remains under-owned. Global crypto ownership was estimated at nearly 4% by the end of 2021. The figure is slightly higher for the UK at circa 6%, though it pales in comparison to stock ownership of a third of the country’s population. I believe there are two main inhibiting factors to crypto ownership.

First is the technical nature of crypto networks. Understanding the low-level workings of blockchains and the tokenomics (short for token economics) of cryptocurrencies requires interdisciplinary knowledge in computer science, mathematics, economics and finance. This is a lot to grasp. For many, crypto ends up in the “too hard to understand” bucket.

Second is that crypto investment firms are typically venture capital funds. Their primary focus is supporting the great crypto companies and protocols of tomorrow rather than supporting their clients or potential clients. The unintended consequence of the current industry structure is growing information asymmetry between crypto entrepreneurs and the large pool of uninvested capital that defaults to the above stance that crypto is too hard.

Progrmd Capital Limited was established to help solve crypto’s impenetrability problem. It is a client-first, crypto-specialist firm that seeks to open up crypto’s growth story to a wider audience.

It is worth noting that unlike traditional venture capital and private equity, crypto doesn’t suffer from eligibility barriers. The issue is knowledge barriers. Our aim is to dissolve them, so more investors become comfortable with gaining exposure to this vibrant area of technological and social innovation.


Case for Allocating to Crypto