
Progrmd Capital was founded in 2022 to provide qualified clients with actively managed exposure to the crypto market.

The firm manages a single fundamentally-driven liquid token strategy, with the aim of underwriting long-term outliers in the emerging crypto ecosystem.

To find out more information, please contact us.


  • Sonya has spent the majority of her professional career researching and investing in undervalued public companies on behalf of institutional clients. She was formerly Investment Manager at Aberforth Partners and Investment Analyst at Kiltearn Partners, both based in Edinburgh. Prior to that, she was an Investment Risk Analyst at Baillie Gifford.

    Sonya holds a BA in Mathematics with a minor in Computer Science from NYU, and a Master of Finance from MIT. She has passed all three levels of the CFA program.

  • AKJ provides middle and back-office management. It is an award-winning hedge fund platform which provides comprehensive operational support including systems integration, risk management, compliance, legal and audit.

    AKJ launched its crypto business in 2019 and currently oversees >$1 billion in total ecosystem assets.